This is a topic that every HR manager and every business
owner can go on and on. Despite hundreds of kinds of psychometric tests, personal
interviews and many guru- insights, it still remains a fuzzy area. I have gone
wrong in hiring multiple times in last fifteen years for my
company. But I also checked with some business owners who run an empire of
millions and sometime billions of dollars. They say that even they go wrong
many times, despite being equipped with big paraphernalia of HR brains &
filters. Some of the things that we have done differently have really worked. Here
are some insights that I have generated so far:
1. DINNER TABLE FILTER: Can this person be
taken to the family dinner table?
This was a very simple filtering advice
given to me by one of the clients I worked with. And it does seem to provide an
answer for a good-teammate selection. Person’s external polish that his/her
qualification and degree provides gives way to his/her real self in a long
stretch interaction. Small nuances of how to address, elders, women,
subordinates etc. can throw light into a person’s value build-up and his/her
longevity into the organisation. This is
rather conservative yet innovative way to look at people. And believe me; it
applies to all levels of hire- right from office boy to CEO. After all, we
spend some important part of our life in office. It is essential that we are
COMFORTABLE in everyday interactions with the new person over a long time. The ‘interview varnish’ that people put on at
the time of first interaction, gets worn off very fast and their real self
starts coming out and reaches every available ear if not eyes, if there is
something amiss. A similar filter is
‘airport filter’- imagine you would be stuck on an airport for long hours with
this person. Would you like to spend that time with this person without needing
to mentally shut-off?
A rabbit runs fast but take naps in-between
while the tortoise is slow but steady. We all know this. In a business
scenario, we need both the profiles; those who can outperform others in SPEED,
as well as those who can OUTLAST everyone else. Rarely, we get both the
qualities in one person. I have always been baffled with the latter. Those who
are super sharp, super articulate and a bit of street-smart – the rabbits- are also
like ‘hired-sharpshooters’. They come, do the job and move on. They don’t stay
with you forever. My company (many companies share this concern) is a training
ground for them. They know how to milk the best of every world they get in.
They are easy with people and generous with words. They are the Rabbits of our
filter. We need them, time to time, in different shades and intensity.
Tortoise of our story is usually slow. They
come usually from humble backgrounds. They are thoughtful and watchful of what
they say and do. They are quick learners because of the hunger for going ahead.
They are aware of the distance between them and the Rabbits within the company.
They are consistent. Rabbit may arrive in office at 11-12am (and goes for a
smoke every now and then, and claims that his/her working style is
‘non-linear’), while our tortoise is a bit old fashioned ‘linear’. He/she
arrives at the regular time and does not leave till the mandated task is done.
In parties they don’t show extra-ordinary talent and never a cynosure and an
instant hit. They are mild with criticism and generous with empathy with fellow
mates. Their work is not super brilliant. It just about meets the requirement.
You need the Rabbit’s brilliance and garnish to make the work ready for
delivery. However, they are the pillar of stability and peace within the
organisation. On them rests the mandate of carrying forward the values and the
legacy. They are honest flag bearers of what needs to be continued. Change is
not their cup of tea. Change can be brought about by infusing a fresh breed of
Rabbits into the team.
& FOUND FILTER : Old friend in the new town
It has a strange pull. People who worked
with us and left for different destiny, one day find themselves again facing
us. Sense of familiarity and the expectation of the new energy they bring in
from previous experience, together present a heady mix for a growing team. Team
mates usually welcome such inclusions and relish the sense of home coming.
Corporate world is replete with cases of returns and magnificent second stint,
including the most famous one is of Apple’s chief.
GROOVE FILTER : What drives a person
We hired a web-programmer long back. Very
soon we realised that it is not going to work out as he started stumbling on
every assignment. However, as a person
he was good and gelled well with the team. With some heart-to-heart talk with
him I found out that he actually abhors the ‘computer’ work, but got into it as
it seemed to be only ‘safe’ career option. He liked working with hands and
showed me several pictures of some crafted objects in his backyard workshop.
Well, I tried something new- we had a need to setting up a ‘model-proto-making’
facility within our company and just gave him a mandate of making it happen. To
my surprise, he not only set it all up but also worked at the prototypes better
than any professionally trained people I had seen. He worked hard without
worrying about working hours and soon became an important pillar of the
organisation. I used to introduce him as ‘master craftsman’ at our company, a
designation which he probably never imagined but relished. Recently, he started
his own model-making business and we were happy to provide him some referential
work. He became an extended network resource who can be relied upon for a good
quality work even in odd and demanding situations.
ENERGY FILTER : What’s behind the office veil
You can see the degrees a person carries. You
can also see the list of other organisation he/she has worked in. In creative
professions, a visual portfolio of work also works wonders. But there is always
a lurking need to know more. What does a person do beyond the office work or
during weekends- this discussion yields some important insights on the person’s
life & energy channels. If a person is a die-hard movie-buff, on slight
prompting he/she would go at length about a movie’s plot, direction, presentation
etc. Passion drives this world. A passion & quest for excellence in one
field gives respect to passion & quest for excellence in another field.
This also provides a good connecting point to colleagues beyond office hours.
It helps to have colleagues who have very diverse interests and who follow them
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